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Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation

Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation

Regular price £59.99 GBP
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Transform Your Body with Ultrasonic Cavitation Treatment

Experience the revolutionary approach to body contouring with our Ultrasonic Cavitation Treatment. This state-of-the-art procedure leverages the power of radio frequencies and low-frequency ultrasonic waves to target and rupture fat cells, releasing their contents for natural elimination by your body. It is a non-invasive, painless, and highly effective method to help you achieve a more sculpted and toned physique.

What is Ultrasonic Cavitation?

Ultrasonic Cavitation is a non-surgical fat reduction treatment that uses low-frequency sound waves to create a strong vibration within the fat cells. This vibration causes the fat cells to rupture, releasing their fatty content into the interstitial fluid, which is then naturally eliminated by the body through the lymphatic and urinary systems. The procedure is completely non-invasive, meaning it does not require any incisions or anesthesia, and is virtually painless, allowing you to continue your daily activities immediately after each session.

Why Choose Ultrasonic Cavitation?

1. Effective Fat Reduction: Ultrasonic cavitation effectively targets stubborn areas of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise, helping you achieve the body contour you desire.
2. Non-Invasive & Painless: Unlike traditional liposuction, this treatment is non-surgical and does not require anaesthesia, making it a safer and more comfortable option.
3. No Downtime: Resume your regular activities immediately after each session with no recovery period needed.
4. Skin Firming & Tightening: Following the cavitation, we use Multipolar Radio Frequency technology, which is more potent than the Tripolar RF head, to firm and tighten the skin, reducing the appearance of cellulite and improving skin elasticity.
5. Lymphatic Support: The treatment supports the lymphatic system, enhancing the body's natural process of eliminating broken-down fat cells.

Ideal for Body Contouring

Our Ultrasonic Cavitation Treatment is perfect for individuals looking to refine their body shape and reduce localised fat deposits. It is especially effective for contouring and reshaping areas that typically hold onto fat despite regular exercise and a healthy diet.

Treatment Areas & Pricing:

- Stomach: 40 minutes - £65
- Front or Back of Thighs: 50 minutes - £70
- Backs of Upper Arms: 40 minutes - £65
- Hips: 40 minutes - £65
- Chest (Men only, for gynecomastia): 40 minutes - £65
- Upper Back (Bra Line): 40 minutes - £65

Special Package:

- Course of 6 Treatments: £350 (Treatments must be at least 3 days apart)

Recommended Course

For optimal results, a course of 6 treatments is usually recommended. Each session builds on the previous one, progressively breaking down fat cells and enhancing the contour of your body.

How It Works:

1. Consultation: Begin with a personalised consultation to determine your specific needs and goals.
2. Cavitation Session: Low-frequency ultrasonic waves target fat cells, causing them to burst and release their contents.
3. Radio Frequency: Multipolar Radio Frequency is applied to firm and tighten the skin, enhancing the overall appearance.
4. Elimination: The body's lymphatic system works to eliminate the broken-down fat cells naturally.

Revitalise your body and boost your confidence with our Ultrasonic Cavitation Treatment. Say goodbye to stubborn fat and hello to a more contoured you.

Book your session today and start your journey to a better body!

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